The huge problem of energy transition is that fact that we have already an energy model. We know it's based on finite resources and has no future, we know it drains our wealth, we know it pollutes the air we breath, we know it will bankrupt us in the near future, but we have it, it's functioning. This addiction to a reality of the past is the mayor challenge in and barrier for energy transition. Change is always difficult uphill, till it gets traction and from that moment on volume/speed are downhill easy. Change needs soil to grow on. This soil is created by information that leads to awareness. Change needs tools, communication tools and even more: finance tools. The key to voluminous energy transition facilities realization is the possibility to make a profit by it on the sales, marketing and finance sides of the realization. Voluminous change has always economics (profitability) as engine. Then only a start engine is needed, the rest is driven by economics. All components of a model needs to economic (as in: give people income and/or increase the profit of companies). When the benefits are obvious, the early adapters start to change. The are the start engine that fires op the main engine. Change designs needs to have both a start engine (the believers) and a main engine (the profit searchers). Change only will happen if it has a design that the people/companies involved in it will make an earning on it. Otherwise it will not drive/fly/come. Profitability is the fuel of change. This must be the basic line in every energy transition model that targets massive (and not some small feel good) change. Energy is Change is a very valid statement.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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