Both in coastal areas as anywhere on the seas/oceans the everlasting movements of the sea can be used as energy sources. There are two technologies in place. The first technological model is snake shaped. Energy generation is both inter segment friction based and internal segment water flow based. Due the forces of nature the snake shape is heavenly exposed to the extreme forces of nature and thereby high maintenance sensitive/demanding. But al coastal area's will have such wave energy harvesting/transformation devices. The benefit of these devices above sea based windmill parks is that the don't need massive foundations: just 4 x 2 concrete blocks will do the job very good. The second technological is a pair of bell curve shaped, with two flexible connections between those two shapes. Energy generation is based on the pressure difference between the two bells by the continuous water pressure changes above the bells due to continuous change in height if the water levels above the bells. Based on physical principles of both Archimedes and Pascal on liquids/fluids and pressure that two connected objects always equals/levels pressure levels with each other. The two bells are connected with two one way pressure communicating devices and in those two channels both have an air stream or water stream powered build-in generator. Corrosion due to salt will be avoided by the use of by glass/silicon fiber enforced glass/silicon structure/body technologies. No corrosion in operational phase and no expensive iron in the investment phase. Giving a double benefit above iron based structures. Coastal based structures have distance advantage for grid/infrastructure connection and maintenance distance.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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