Extending the past in times that the conditions of the past are gone can only be done with enforcing severely (not teasing, but hitting/smashing) military/economic/political power. The global consequences are severe and it still is a dead end street that just will be enlarged by / gets some extra time. The fight to sustain the unsustainable is unsustainable. Carbon based energy is becoming scarce and is finite and will burden any economic process that use it intensively. It's not that other nations consumes 'our' energy and resources we though we could buy abroad cheap. Finite resources are finite. It's so simple, yet proven yet hard to understand (or must we say: hard to accept?). The past equals not the future. Just because the main thing that powers the past is not available in the future: cheap carbon energy. Extending the past equals invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Venezuela. Extending the past is cutting in / severe damaging future perspectives. The choice for extending the past is easy to understand: we know what we have (or must we say: had), we don't know what we will get. But realism must tells us that the global carbon resources are below half level /over their top and that the carbon road is getting rocker each day for our 'economic SUV', buying 'gas' become more expensive each day, there are less 'gas stations' each day and the change we run out our 'gas' or are confronted with physical 'gas' shortages for our current 'economic SUV' grows each day. An 'economic SUV' with supply/affordable gas do not move very slow, but just don't move. Extending the past has no future.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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