Governments have a huge obligation to tell their economies (companies and households) the truth about PeakX. The problem is that the above mentioned problems (less awareness, much simplicity, misplaced focus, passive policy and absent drive) are double in size by governments. Governments have the habit solving the problems of the yesterday today and are well-known of their lack of actual or future analysing capacities. We don't need visionary governments: actual governments would be a major positive change, than the current yesterday cuddling administrations. And yes, of course we need smart governments that leads threats into opportunities, but we all know that's only wishful thinking. Governments only can steer, not power changes. Governments that don't see the difference between those two will not be able to address this huge issue. Dear yesterday addressing governments, air travel/transport and traffic congestion are over soon due too high energy costs of travel/transport. Forget new airports, new harbours and new highways: they are answers on the questions of yesterday. Cooping with a transformation to a wealthy low energy economy is the main theme from now on. How to do it? Make the governmental advertising agency and the media rich by quick intensive info campaigns? First: Governments better stop throwing with money (as severe difficult times are ahead). Second: Governments and information is called propaganda and if you loose your attention a second the next thing they tell you that Solzhenitsyn is a bad man (USSR) or Bin Laden did 9/11 (USA). Governmental propaganda cost taxpayers money in times of budget problems and we must not get used to a communicating government even if this time the message is alright. How to get the word out that the time of cheap energy is over and that only less energy use guarantees prosperity from now on? Governments can just propose one law: speed limit reducing legislation. If they do so the media and opinion makers will take the awareness from there on over. And the speed limit reducing legislation? We don't need that: filling up the car hurts already everyone, people drive already severe less due the high gasoline/diesel/LPG prices.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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