Increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere has two reasons: 1) Cutting much of the trees on the earth for increasing wood demand and agricultural area increasing in a short time frame (as in: exhausting the global CO2 to O2 transformation capacity). Some scientists however say that the ocean is the biggest CO2 to O2 transformer and that soil based flora are not that important as we thought that they are. 2) Burning in millions of years formed fossil fuels by the global need of energy in an excessively increasing rate in a short time frame (as in: releasing a million years old CO2 battery). If CO2 levels really are the engine behind climate change is a theory, certainly not a proven fact, the sun activity maybe can play an important (and maybe most influencing role), and it also could be a joint development. A certain fact is that CO2 levels has risen and still rise to not earlier measured high levels and that this certainly influence the insulation capacity of the atmosphere. But as long as we not certain about the cause, we must consider both options and 1) restore the world's CO2 to O2 capacity (by a huge think global act local based tree planting program) and 2) stop as much and as soon as we can increasing the burning of fossil energy. The Western Countries are 1) the by ages of tree cutting most treeless/deforested countries of the world and 2) the heaviest burners of fossil energy. Making them the biggest producers and the smallest converters. The Emerging World doesn't like the contradiction in the combination of an own treeless environment and rainforest preaching by the Western World. And they also don't like the intensive fossil energy burning of the Western World. The Western World doesn't like the tree cutting activities of the Emerging World in the Tropical Rain Forests. The PM of Malaysia has made the following statement in 2000: "They don't allow us to deforest 20% of our national soil, although they have deforested their own national soil 95%. Let them go home, plant some trees there and stop with their double moral to the Emerging World". On September 27, 2007 the Minister of Foreign Affairs addressed the UN with the statement: "Recognizing the principle of 'common but differentiated responsibilities', and the sovereign rights of countries to its natural resources, Malaysia is supportive of global efforts towards mitigating the adverse impact of climate change through better management of our natural resources. However, any approach to resolve the problem of climate change must consider the differences between developed and developing countries. Developed countries have already reached a stage in their economic development where they should reduce greenhouse gases emission. They have emitted more greenhouse gases in the past and would continue to do so in the foreseeable future, and have the financial and technical capacity to reduce greenhouse gas emission." Despite of these 'who's to blame' issues: increased CO2 levels, declining O2 levels and maybe thereby caused global warming could have severe consequences. It's not about some degrees higher temperature that could damage life environment in already (near) to hot regions (giving huge refuge problems and major capital losses). It's not about some regions not longer suitable for agriculture (major capital losses and increased food prices). It's not about ocean level rise because water of higher temperatures has more volume (although 80% of the global cities are former harbor cities and more than 50% of the world population lives in those low laying cities). It's not about declining bio diversity by the new aggressive growers in new situations (like the killer algae in the Mediterranean Sea). It's not about periods with absence of rain (drying soil humidity, destroying flora and making environments severe dustily). It's not about globally destroyed local natural balances by changing local temperatures and humidity, and the destroying of flora and fauna caused by it and by new locally appearing spices. It's also not about severe weather conditions all over the planet (droughts, floods, storms that will damage economies year after year). It's all about melting the possibility that melting ice caps could slow down or interrupt the ocean currents and thereby the global climate conditioner would stop working, making Equatorial Nations much more warmer and northern and southern nations much (really much) colder. Canada and Northern Europe are located on the same latitude as Alaska, but both have severe softer climates by the warmth of the Equator that is brought there by the Atlantic Current. This will also have several uncalculated site effects: For example The European Ale (which is the scavenger of many sweet water environments around in Europe) than could not any longer travel as larva on the Ocean Current from its mid ocean birth ground in the Mid American Sargasso Sea to its life habitats in Europe. European sweet waters than will be severely bacteriological contaminated with other dead fish (which these days is eaten by the Ale). Just a simple example of the many thinkable side effects of Climate Change. Governments of nations that climatically demands on the Ocean Currents should be the driving forces in the global fight against Climate Change, because it will effect them double: Both real Climate Change for them and the economic damages of storms and floods. And in the most negative scenario the earth magnetism polarity could gone change if the ocean current should be interrupted, that will give some years (the polarity changing years) catastrophically weather conditions accompanied with more volcanoes activity (and the atmospherically pollution by that), earth quakes and the by them caused tsunamis. The climate (and the weather driven by it) is a complex of many factors; small changes could lead to mega effects. The number and intensity of storms gets higher and more severe by each degree higher ocean temperature. Climate Change (if the theory will become reality) will cause mega economic damages, sky rocking food prices and a lot of human suffering by catastrophes. Anywhere in the world, both the Western Nations and the Emerging Nations.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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