The old grid concept is based on multiple central power generation and transport of that central generated power to the periphery of the grid. The energy transition to local production will make the local grid the design center and not the power plants. Therefore the power grid companies must get geographical redesigned: local, regional, national and international and making operational redundancy must become their main target. Central power generation model/thinking/focus must be replaced by decentral model. People must be able to deliver power to the grid general of specific to an affiliate, in that case transport costs must be calculated. Households and companies need new power indicators for this. Operators will research the new less power in transport losing HVDC technology, which will become more interesting by higher energy prices (when losses become expensive). Grid operators mostly also will play a role in central water or energy storage solutions. Historical power grids are designed for one way deliveries from power plants to power consuming factories, warehouses, offices, stores, homes, etc. But this model is outdated by the fact that decentral power production enormously has and will increase. The grid model will be totally different, fully designed for two way power traffic, from everywhere to everywhere. Energy meters will be more and more sophisticated than they're these days, because energy prices will be virtual and fluctuate each day and each moment of the day. Households, offices, warehouses and factories will use energy for not direct needed purposes when its price is most cheap. Power management software (these days only used in large factories) will be used everywhere, and will be controlled by grid checks and grid keys. Industrial processes will be redesigned on low energy use and energy demand (changed from the most cheap production factor, to the most expensive production factor) will be automatically flexible managed inline with the right energy purchase moments: using the energy needed when the energy price is the lowest. Connections can choose from which wholesaler they purchase their grid power demand and to which wholesales they sell their grid power supply. And this process could have several layers with each a database driven if/than routine. Wholesalers will purchase live feeds and storage feeds. There will be dedicated power storage providing companies. Virtual peer to peer deliveries (virtual energy management clustering) will be possible, communicating virtual distances to the grid for transport fee invoice line. Like in telecom CDRs (Call Detail Records) are the basic of the invoicing database system, in grid administrations this will be the EDR's (Energy Detail Records). Grids will be geographically organized based on local identities. Each above layer will be virtual (regional, national, international). There will be a global grid database. This will be similar to a mixture of the GSM IMEI number, the IP route database (entry providers) and the database of the banks, with all the energy meters digital keys and GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude) for point to point distance calculations and options. Grids will be severely redundancy, with no overall organization (distributed hierarchical design like the internet) and if possible without needed root servers. Novell eDir can handle this energy data structures better than any other data structure available.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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